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Kabbalah Study and ’Tikun Olam’


Rabbi Akiva, was one of the greatest Kabbalists, who lived over 2000 years ago, and was the teacher of Rabbi Shimon Bar Yohai the author of the Zohar. Rabbi Akiva taught the most ethical and moral code known to Man: "Love thy neighbor as Thyself", and described it as being a "Major rule of the Torah".

There is a direct and close link between learning the inner dimension of the Torah, to social awareness, connections between people, showing concern for the welfare of others and loving one's fellow Man.

In addition, studying the secrets of the Torah contributes to a higher consciousness and reinforcement of important personal and global values, like: peace, freedom, harmony, tolerance, spirituality and personal development.

Among the Jewish People, we see that the study of Kabbalah and the Torah's inner dimension unites all strata: the religiously observant with people quite far from Jewish tradition, Diaspora Jewry with Israelis, youth with adults, modern intellectuals with the more conservative and traditional. All find a common language and fertile ground for joint activities surrounding the spiritual-Kabbalistic tradition, which maintains and promotes Jewish identity.

In this context, we see how Jewish tradition projects universal values, that are appreciated and valued the world over, and which positively impact all humanity.

Each and every person, anywhere in the world, who studies the wisdom of Kabbalah and connects with its messages and instructions, has the ability to refine his or her personality, and become a positive influence on his or her environment, family and friends.

Each person who joins the circle of students of the original Tzfat Kabbalah and follows its ways, brings more divine light into the world. He or she helps repair the world (Tikun Olam) and turn it into an earthly Garden of Eden, just as once existed at the beginning of Creation.

Kabbalistic Sages in every generation promise that the study of Kabbalah and the inner dimension of the Torah will bring all of Humanity closer to the wonderful revelations of the '7th millennium' .

The activities at the Tzfat Kabbalah Center promote these important universal and human values, emphasizing the unifying factor of our very special common spiritual heritage. 

please contact us with any questions or bookings

Every journey starts with a step, let's get started.

Phone Outside Israel: +972-4-682-1771 

Phone Within Israel: 04-682-1771


For personal kabbalah learning with one of our knowledgeable

and experienced teachers, for every level:


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